Rediff Mypage review

I recently received a mail invite from a friend to join Rediff Mypage.

I checked out and found that this is similar to Facebook,Orkut and others.
In addition to being a social networking site it also provide the option of integrating Facebook,Orkut,Twitter and Linkedin under one umbrella with ability to view and post on these social networking sites and so I gave it a try.

The concept looked very good but the implementations isnt that good.
Facebook Integration:
The integration with facebook i weired. I am seeing updates from people i dont know after i allowed Rediffmypage to integrate with Facebook. but the posts were posted to the Facebook correctly.

Orkut Integration :
i was prompted for my Gmail credentials and then it took me to Google accounts dashboard. I clicked on Orkut from there and i got a message Orkut cannot be displayed in a frame.

Twitter Integration::
Twitter integration went well and fast enough.

Linkedin Integration :
I gave my login credentials and it said connecting and it got stuck there.

In theory the Rediff Mypage concept looks good but In implementation its not working that well.

Lets hope they fix these bugs. If the social networking integration works out fine, then Rediff Mypage will be a hit. but for now i think it has got a long way to go and perhaps it may have been released prematurely.

Still checking out for more news on Rediff Mypage. Will keep this space updated.

Rediff has also come up with a blogging platform i i tried it out. My Blog is : . I am happy that Rediff  has ventured in to this market as competition is always health for any industry.

But i personally feel that is more appealing than looks more like a web page link than the homepage of a blog or website.

How to change the YouTube language from Hindi (or any other language) to English.

For some reason YouTube was showing up in Hindi.

As always i googled on how to change the YouTube display language to English

I found that at the bottom of the YOUTUBE homepage there is an option for this.

You will find the below text towards the bottom of YOUTUBE home page. भाषा: हिन्दी

Click on the हिन्दी button and it will display the available languages. Click on the required language and this will display YouTube in the language of your liking.



SNAPDEAL is actually a site which offers you discounted deals in Food joints, restaurants, multiplexes, and other businesses in Indian cities. I think it has a good reach in Metros.

SnapDeal is a venture by Jasper, a leading marketing company from India.

From my opinion, you can check out the deals available on SNAPDEAL.COM and do a bit of local research to check if the hotels/products listed on are Good before trying out the discounted coupons available on SNAPDEAL.COM.

I just checked out the Hyderabad Page to see what it has to offer in Hyderabad. The one thing that appealed to me was the 40 percent off on the newly launched XTRAICE ice skating arena in IMAX Hyderabad.

I think it will serve as a good advertising platform for new businesses and companies in India. They can offer discounts on and get brandawarness for their brands.

You can signup to Snapdeal through link : SNAPDEAL

Adding a Youtube Video on Blogspot/blogger posts

I was checking out if by any chance we can add YouTube videos to Blogger. Yes you can.

I did a google search and found the below video which shows how we can upload videos from you tube on to your Blogger/Blogspot Blogs.

If you have any more queries, just leave me a comment.

I acknowledge that i have used the above video from YouTube which is created by crusher1150. Please leave a comment for any queries regarding this.

How to Backup your blog.

I think every blogger who created a blog will have the below query.

How do i backup/import/export/delete my blog. on blogspot.

Follow the below steps :

1. Login to Blogger.
2. Click on the Settings of the your Blog from Dashboard as below.

3. You will be directed to the below Basic Settings Screen.

There is an option to Import,Export or Delete your Blog.

4. Click on Export Blog and this will import the blog as an XML file to the location you specify on your PC. (You can also delete youe Blog by using the Delete Blog Option here)

5. You can import the Blog on your own blog if you need or can import this blog data to a new blog on Blogger.

I have tried restoring the backedup XML file on a different blogspot blog and it worked fine.

There is also an option to delete the blog in the above screen. A deleted blog can be restored within 90 days if you change your mind. It will still show in your Blogger dashboard with an option which says Undelete the blog.

If you have any doubt post a comment and i will respond.